Blazing a Trail

Hiking Dinosaur Hill
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." 
 -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can't believe how quickly the last two weeks have flown by. I was fortunate enough to begin my week going out on a hike with two PHE students.  They won the auction for a Principal's Experience which consisted of a hike and a picnic. Little did I know how fulfilling the experience would be for me.  Although we had been to the top of Dinosaur Hill previously, we still managed to explore some areas we had not yet seen.  We learned some fun facts about our families and chatted while we enjoyed our meal.  It was such a beautiful day and such a wonderful way to launch into Thanksgiving week.

Students collaborating in science and using technology.
This week PHE students and staff will be participating in the Hour of Code.  The goal is to start blazing our own trail as a school as we become more literate in computer science.  All students should have an opportunity to engage in at least one coding activity during the week.  This event is in alignment with our vision to advance PHE in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).  Regardless of your comfort level with technology, there are coding lessons that anyone can access.  Join in on your child's learning experience by completing activities at home!  Coding Resources 

Students learning about the circulatory system.
Although our school schedule will have early dismissal due to parent-teacher conferences over the next couple of weeks, academic excellence remains a priority.  In addition to the Hour of Code, we will be celebrating student achievement at Awards Assemblies.  I look forward to joining the students and teachers in these celebrations and sharing the ongoing experience of the classroom lessons and exploration as we continue to discover, collaborate, innovate, and veer off the beaten path.  

This will be the last post of 2016.  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break and a happy new year!

Upcoming Events:
  • Awards Assemblies 12/7 & 12/9
  • Principal-Parent Coffee 12/8 
  • PHE Plus Musical 12/8
  • PTA Movie Night 12/16
  • Winter Break 12/19 - 1/2
  • SSC Meeting 1/5/17


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