A Positive Outlook

January's PBIS Assembly
It's been quite some time since my last post.  During the month of January, PHE focused on renewing our school commitment to PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support).  The first week of January started off with a PBIS kick-off assembly which reviewed our acknowledgment system (Dino Dollars, Bronto Bucks, and Dino Mights) and behavior expectations in all of our common areas.  Check out our newly revised PBIS Handbook for more details. We will continue to review character-traits with the students twice a month. These bimonthly assemblies are a win-win for our school.  While students attend the assemblies, teachers collaborate in their "Professional Learning Community" grade
                                                                                      level meetings strategizing on how to best        
                                                                                      support student needs!

4th Graders Building Circuits

During the first month of 2017, we also had a strong theme of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).  From our PHEEF-funded Science workshops, which included students building circuits and creating "Scribblebots," to the PTA-sponsored "Extreme Science Assembly," our students have had steady exposure to the concepts of science and engineering.  This science focus culminated with our STEM Fair held last week.  Our students proudly showcased their creativity and ingenuity during this evening event.  Events like these are only possible due to the tireless collaborative efforts of our teachers and parents.  To further support our students' needs, our teachers engaged in professional development that deepened their knowledge of Reader's Workshop and ways to integrate technology into instruction.

A Rainbow Over PHE!

Upcoming in the month of February, we will focus on the character-trait of fairness school-wide.  Adhering to our focus on PBIS, we will also conduct workshops for staff, students, and parents hosted by Soul Shoppe.  These workshops are designed to provide our  Pleasant Hill community with tools that foster respect and inclusiveness.  We want to empower our students with a common language to express their feelings and resolve conflicts. 

Upcoming Events:

  • Character Assemblies 2/8 & 2/10
  • 2/9 Soul Shoppe Parent Presentation
  • 2/13 No School - Teacher Inservice
  • 2/15 Dairy Assembly
  • 2/20 No School - Presidents’ Day
  • Character Assemblies 2/22 & 2/24
  • 3/10 End of 2nd Trimester


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