Runnin' Down a Dream

"Whether I'm running, working, relating, parenting, learning - whatever I'm doing, I want to surround myself with people who push me." - Kristin Armstrong

Exploring our World

As educators, we are entrusted with your precious children.  Our job is to help prepare them for life as adults and encourage them to make sense of the world around them.  During their last year at PHE, our 5th graders got an opportunity to do just that, as they explored the great outdoors.  Our teachers, in collaboration with Exploring New Horizons' Sempervirens program allowed our students the opportunity to apply their "book learning" in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains.  I was fortunate enough to have had the chance to go out and spend an afternoon with the students last Wednesday.  The kids were eager to share what they've learned with me.  They introduced me to a "crab" spider and eagerly described how they had stumbled upon three banana slugs.  Much to my chagrin, their eyes gleamed with delight as they recounted how they had each "kissed" one of these slugs on their daily hike.  We only have one Earth, and it was wonderful to see that our kids learned a little more about how to protect our precious resources.

PHE Fun Run

We had a great turn out for the PHE Fun Run.  This year, PTA employed Boosterthon to coordinate our successful fund raising efforts.  Some of the added perks Boosterthon brought to us this year were customized PHE t-shirts and character education materials that will be used in our bimonthly student assemblies throughout this school year.  During the week of the Fun Run, students enjoyed the in-class workshops and contests.  Lots of excitement built up to the day of the run, where it was great to see students running and cheering each other on.  Thanks to the proceeds from this event, our school will have the means to purchase some much-needed technology for use in the classrooms!  Thank you to the PTA for orchestrating the Fun Run!

Soul Shoppe

PHE has launched our Soul Shoppe activities this year by hosting our first round of student workshops.  Students learned about how to "check-in" with themselves and express their feelings respectfully to each other.  The facilitator provided examples to help them recognize when their feelings are becoming overwhelming, so these emotions can be released in healthy ways.  Students also participated in role playing activities designed to build empathy when others are emotionally overwhelmed and having a bad day.  I've already seen students practicing what they learned as they've expressed themselves to me or stood up for their friends who need help.  To complement this social emotional learning program, we will soon be initiating a leadership program called, Peacemakers, in the upper grades so that students can build more independence and support each other in conflict resolution.  More to come!

Upcoming Events:

  • Principal/Parent Coffee - 10/10
  • ELAC Meeting - 10/10
  • PTA Meeting - 10/24
  • Make Up Picture Day - 10/25
  • SSC Meeting - 10/26
  • Carnoween - 10/28


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