Celebrations at PHE

Overall, November was a really busy month.  Now, we only have three short weeks before Winter Break.  Please remember that from 12/11 through 12/22, we will be scheduling Parent-Teacher conferences and therefore grades 1-5 will have minimum days (daily dismissal following the Wednesday schedule).  If you haven't already done so, please also take a few minutes to provide us feedback on our school's climate.  The California School Parent Survey provides us with important information on our school learning environment, the health and well-being of students, and supports for parents. Cal Schools Survey

Family Celebrations
Before Thanksgiving break, various classes across our campus celebrated together.  In kindergarten, our teachers hosted our first school-wide kindergarten feast in the cafeteria.  Many parents and families showed up to join in the festivities.  The students all seemed to enjoy sharing some of their class-made crafts while munching on healthy snacks.  It was a wonderful display of PHE Community!

Our PTA sponsored PHE's Multicultural Night Potluck Dinner on the Friday before Thanksgiving break.  It was such a pleasure to spend time with our families who were able to attend.  A wide-range of dishes were prepared and shared including Irish Stew, Chinese Onion Bread, Pakistani Masala Chawal, Russian Potato Salad, and more!  Patrick the Librarian, our guest of honor, entertained the students with music, coloring, and book readings.  All-in-all it was a cozy evening and a great way to launch Thanksgiving Break!

Who Are We?
Student learning has been in full swing during the month of November.  I have seen students engaged in a wide variety of learning activities including the use of white boards, manipulatives, and even using their bodies to physically act out what they are learning.  In addition to lessons in math, language arts, and science, many teachers connected the social studies standards to their students' backgrounds.  Through sharing these personal stories, everyone's learning experience was enriched.  The picture to the right displays our fourth grade students who presented their "Passport to California" projects. 

Hour of Code
PHE will be joining schools across our nation in celebrating Computer Science Education Week by engaging students in an Hour of Code (or more).  Across all grade levels, teachers will lead students in coding activities during the week of December 4-10.  Students in grades TK-2nd will be supported in the computer lab, while students in grades 3rd-5th will also have access to coding using Chromebooks in their classrooms.  In addition to computers and Chromebooks, our STEAM Lab will enhance the coding experience by allowing students to embark on hands-on coding lessons using robotics and our 3D printer!

Upcoming Events:

  • Hour of Code & Computer Science Week 12/4 - 12/8
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (Minimum Days) 12/11 - 12/22
  • Winter Break 12/25 - 1/5
  • Principal - Parent Coffee 1/9/18
  • SSC 1/11/18


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