Feeling Inspired!

"Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality." - Malala Yousafzai

                                                                                    Measuring Progress
We have entered into the last few weeks of the school year.  Even though the year is winding down, activities at school seem to be speeding up! Teachers have been delving ever more deeply into our California State Standards as they have worked to support student learning both individually working directly with kids and collaboratively with their grade level teams.  Teachers in 3rd through 5th grades have also been preparing our students to show what they know on the annual CAASPP tests.  The whole school has joined in to wish our upper grade students good luck and celebrate this opportunity to show what they've learned.

School Spirit
Speaking of school spirit, we have taken the opportunity to celebrate both our academic achievements and the inclusive culture of our great community.  The month of April was Autism Awareness Month during which PHE held a spirit week and hosted an assembly designed to increase student appreciation and compassion for people with autism.  We also held our 2nd Trimester awards assembly where we acknowledged students who have demonstrated proficiency in English, math, and developing their character!

Beautifying Our School
Our school is being taken care of from the inside out.  While student learning is being taken care of inside the classroom, our campus is getting some much needed TLC as well.  You may have noticed that we have a brand new fence in the front of the school, thanks to the collaboration of MDUSD and the City of Pleasant Hill.  Thanks to the combined efforts of both current and former staff and parents, we were able to give a little face lift to the front of the school with some new landscaping featuring beautiful drought-tolerant plants.  This landscaping project has been many years in the making!  I wanted to send a heart-felt thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to complete this project.

Fundraising Success
Our parent groups set out on an ambitious mission to save our parent-funded STEAM Lab, Reading Lab, Computer Lab, and PE Support programs.  Due to this sense of urgency, our school hosted a town hall and assisted in spreading the word to our parent community.  Thanks to a tremendous parent response, we had a huge turnout for the PHE Gala and online auction which raised over $55,000!  We also received a pledge from one of our families to donate another $40,000 to be used to keep our STEAM Lab for not one, but two years!! I am very happy to join PTA and PHEEF in announcing that due to the generous outpouring of donations, we will be able to maintain these programs for the 2018-2019 school year.  I am genuinely awed and inspired by your commitment to helping us make our dream of educational excellence for our students a reality!

Let's keep the momentum of all this positive energy going!  PHE is a wonderful place to be, and I look forward to sharing updates of school activities with you all in August!

Upcoming Events:

  • Open House 5/24
  • Memorial Day 5/28
  • Last Day of School 6/7 


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