Giving Thanks

"When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others."
-Dalai Lama

End of Trimester 1
The first trimester will be ending on November 9th.  We have had such a wonderful array of experiences over these first three months of school.  Our teachers have been collaborating frequently to review student progress. During these meetings, they determine how they might adjust their instruction to appropriately support students who may be struggling or challenge students who are already demonstrating proficiency.  PHE has also held after school intervention classes this trimester to help boost the academic progress of some of our English Learners.  In the upcoming weeks, teachers will be contacting parents to share the reports of student progress.  Official Report Cards will be sent home on Friday November 30 and school-wide parent-teacher conferences will be held from December 10 - 21 (Wednesday schedule for 1st - 5th grades).  We look forward to meeting with you to review the needs of your student!

                                                                                    PHE Community
Parent involvement is highly valued at PHE. One of our strengths is the connection our school has to our community.  Over the past month, two school-sponsored committees have met to approve our site plan and to seek ways to improve student learning for all our Dinos.  Our School Site Council (SSC) has reviewed our progress on our three school goals and approved our budget for the 2018-2019 school year.  Meeting agendas and minutes are available via our school website:  PHE SSC Webpage.  The English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) also met to review the same site plan and reflect on our school's performance in meeting the needs of our English Learners.  Both groups are critical in ensuring that we remain focused on our most important asset:  our students.  Also helping us to maintain our parent-school connection are the powerful parents who volunteer their time to plan exciting community events through the PTA.  This year's Carnoween was the best yet!  It was hard to imagine that improvement was possible since this has always been a highly anticipated event.  I was so impressed with the advertising campaign and new attractions that were brought to Carnoween this year.  So many PHE current and past families showed up to enjoy this well-organized community event.  Great job, PTA!

At PHE, we have three school rules:  Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.  Through the support of our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) program, we continually evaluate our systems of supporting student behavior and maintaining a safe, positive, and welcoming atmosphere in our school.  One key goal of this program is to empower our students to solve their own problems and reduce bullying by providing them with character education and conflict resolution strategies. Over this past month character education has begun through our bimonthly Character Assemblies.  During this first trimester our topics have included:  "Stop and Breathe," Hispanic Heritage Month, and "Integrity." During the month of November our assemblies will have a focus on "Being an Ally" (presented by Soul Shoppe) and "Diversity of Families."

Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I hope everyone enjoys this pause in our busy schedules to enjoy some quality time with with their families.

Upcoming Events:
Week of 11/5 -  PBIS Assemblies:  Allyship and Diverse Families
11/9 -  Multicultural Night (end of Trimester 1)
11/12 - Veterans Day Holiday
11/13 - Principal/Parent Coffee
Week of 11/19 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/27-11/30 - 5th Grade Outdoor Education


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