The Mighty Community of PHE

Carnoween parade participants

The standout event from the last two weeks was Carnoween.  I was so honored to have been able to take part in this event.  Thank you PTA for organizing and improving upon this long-standing PHE tradition.  We had an incredible turn out of families, staff, and community members.  I also want to thank our superintendent, Dr. Meyer, the Pleasant Hill Police Department, and the Contra Costa Fire Department for making appearances.  A great time was had by everyone who frequented the many game booths, food court, and haunted house.

Science workshops and computer lab
Have you ever wondered how 21st Century Skills were being incorporated into your child's education?  At PHE, we are striving to improve our school-wide systems to ensure that 21st Century learning is visible both inside and outside the classroom!  PHEEF has helped jump-start our journey into becoming a STEAM school by funding monthly science workshops.  These workshops encourage students in working collaboratively to solve problems and innovate!  Now that we have a dedicated space for student exploration, we are looking to transform this under-utilized room into a Maker's Space.  We will be reaching out to parents to help us dream big and make the most of this small space.  Some of our initial ideas are to build a Lego wall and peg board, while providing students access to codable robots and electronics kits.  Please contact us if you are interested in supporting these efforts!

Building community and encouraging citizenship are also very important to PHE.  Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) team has been revamping our school-wide incentive programs.  The latest edition to our incentive collection is the "Dino-Might".  Dino-Might awards are given to recognize and compliment classes who are caught in the act of being amazing dinos.   Each week a raffle drawing awards extra recess to two lucky classes.  Be on the lookout for classes displaying amazing citizenship!  What a mighty community we have at PHE!

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/3 SSC Meeting
  • 11/5 Outdoor Ed Rummage Sale
  • 11/11 Veteran's Day
  • 11/21-11/25 Thanksgiving Break


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