Kindness Matters at PHE!

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

                                                      Coloring Our World with Kindness
We started off the month of January with assemblies focused on our theme of kindness, which culminated with our participation in The Great Kindness Challenge last week.  Students and staff alike engaged in simple acts of kindness.  PHE also encouraged all of our students to be proud of who they are and avoid using "labels" or stereotypes through our latest Soul Shoppe Workshop, BeYOUtiful.  Click HERE to view a short clip of a student sharing his random act of kindness.

Student Learning
Our teachers embody a growth mindset and are constantly striving to improve learning at PHE.  They have been steadily working with our students and being conscious of creating opportunities for students to take ownership of their learning.  Through our practice of Instructional Rounds, teachers visit other classrooms so that we can observe learning in action.  During our latest round of classroom visits, we saw a students from kindergarten through fifth grade engaged in critical thinking and exploring nonfiction texts.   I am so grateful to work in a community full of lifelong learners!

Community Building
Over this past month, our parents have continued their outreach to support our students at PHE and beyond!  With the charitable donations of our students (and their piggy banks) we were able to raise over $600 for the Butte County Schools Fire Relief Fund.  Our parent support then spread from giving to our campus to giving to our greater community.  Have you noticed that our garden beds have begun to come to life?  With the generous help of our parent volunteers, we are in the exploratory stages of starting up a garden program!  Thank you, parents, for your considerate and kind contributions!

Coming Up in School Site Council
Our School Site Council has been working on our school's Safety Plan.  If you are interested in learning about our plan to support safety at PHE, please join us at our next meeting on February 21.  Meetings are open to the public!

Upcoming Events (School Calendar):
TK/K Registration 2/5
STEAM Night 2/7
Presidents Day Holiday 2/15 & 2/18
Principal Parent Coffee 2/19
PTA Evening Meeting 2/19
Facilities Master Plan Town Hall 2/20
SSC Meeting 2/21
Pleasant Hill Choir Showcase 2/27


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