Year In Review

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." -Anthony J. D'Angelo
The 2018-2019 school year has been another fantastic year of learning and growing for our students.  Now that the year has ended, I have been reflecting on some of our accomplishments.

Top Class Instruction
Our teachers have really worked hard over the course of this year to deliver the best instruction to our students.  They have deepened their knowledge of our new state standards and newly adopted curriculum.  They have held regular grade level meetings where they share student learning and instructional practices.  They have also participated in Instructional Rounds where they got to use live teaching and learning to help steer the direction of the school.  My absolute favorite part of this school year has been to visit classrooms and see the learning in action.  It has been an incredible sight to see!  In May we showcased some of this learning at Open House so that parents and community members could get a peek inside our amazing classrooms. 

Opportunities to Explore
Thanks to the strong partnership with our PTA, our students have had many opportunities to extend their learning and explore their world.  We completed the second year of having a STEAM lab which provides a creativity-rich environment for students to apply their learning.  We also had a "pre-launch" of our Garden Learning Lab which will become fully operational next year.  Parent volunteers have dedicated precious time to transforming our neglected garden beds into vibrant learning spaces that are teeming with life!  Several classrooms joined in on harvesting this first crop of veggies which became part of our cafeteria salad bar!  Thanks to generous parent donations at this year's auction, we will be opening up these learning spaces for every classroom to enjoy during the 2019-2020 school year.

Community Support

It goes without saying that PHE has a high level support from our parent community.  I want to publicly thank all our parents and staff who have teamed up to form our School Site Council.  These volunteers help ensure that our school's Site Plan reflects the needs of everyone in our community.  I also want to thank our PTA for being so thoughtful and keeping their support in alignment with our overall school vision.  From social events like Carnoween to academic showcases like the STEAM Fair our PTA brings us together!  I am also in awe of PTA's fundraising efforts and the generosity of our community.  With the money raised by PTA we will be able to fund the Garden Learning Lab,  STEAM Lab, and Reading Lab to enhance student learning. My hope for next year is that we can broaden our base of volunteers and get even more parents involved in making these community events a success!

I would love to hear your reflections on this past school year.  Please take a moment to complete this short survey (Parent Survey) to provide feedback on your family's experience at Pleasant Hill Elementary.  This feedback will be shared with staff, School Site Council, and PTA as we refine our vision for our school.

Happy Summer, PHE!

Upcoming Events:
Kindergarten Picnic - 8/11
All in One Day - 8/12
First Day of School - 8/15


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